6. File metadata

Africa Rainfall Project Data

Data format:
netCDF3 64-bit offset

Data are high-resolution computer simulations of localized rainstorms in sub-Saharan Africa produced using massive, crowd-sourced computing power from the World Community Grid.

Africa, rainfall, precipitation, modelling

TU Delft

CF 1.8

Lambert Conformal

Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model V3.9.1.1 run on the IBM World Community Grid (WCG)

This data is provided under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license. Specific terms for sharing and use can be found at creativecommons.org.

6.1. CF-1.8 Convention

These data conform to CF convention 1.8.


For more information about the CF conventions and specifications related to CF-1.8, please see cfconventions.org.

6.2. Viewing file metadata with ncdump

The metadata for files that have been downloaded from this server can be found using multiple tools specific to working with netCDF files.

One recommended tool for viewing this metadata and working with netCDF files, in general, is a set of command-line programs called the NetCDF Operators (NCO). These can be downloaded from http://nco.sourceforge.net/ and installed following instructions on that page.

Once you have the NCO programs installed, you can use the ncdump command to view the metadata for any netCDF file.

$ ncdump -h filename.nc


For more options when using ncdump, see unidata.ucar.edu.